Welfare reform update
3rd July 2012Building homes, providing support and creating possibilities
3rd July 2012Comprehensive housing, care, nursing and support
With 266 housing units across the province, Homecare Housing provides accommodation for people who have a housing need which can be integrated with our other services of Care, Nursing and Support if required.
All our services offer people an opportunity to live independently in the community and sometimes obtaining suitable accommodation is the key to a successful outcome. People referred to us for accommodation quite often present with complex needs and require elements of care, support and nursing or all three which we can provide from our other services teams. Specialised adaptations can also be made to accommodation where mobility is restricted which can expedite the process of early discharge. We find that by offering all the services an individual may need for independent living, we provide a ‘wrap round’ coherent yet flexible service for people who wish to retain their independence at home rather than reside in a care home or wait in hospital.
Our referrals come from the health trusts and the Northern Ireland housing Executive and to ensure a smooth transition we incorporate our intensive housing management service, supplying an accommodation that exactly suits the needs of the client.
We have a specialist peripatetic service in the Belfast area which is jointly funded by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Belfast Trust, offering care and support to people with a housing need, including those with complex addiction and or mental health needs.
Our Floating Support Service in the South Area of Northern Ireland accepts referrals from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for people over 21 years old with a housing need. With the aim of preventing tenancy breakdown, our support workers engage with clients in agreeing a Support Plan such as developing their budgeting skills, which is often difficult for vulnerable people and can put their tenancies at risk if they do not keep up their rental payments. This early intervention can prevent them losing their tenancy and in doing so reduce pressure on the Housing Executive finding emergency accommodation.
Due to the economic downturn, we find ourselves providing housing for people who would not have experienced housing stress in the past, people who are out of work, whose homes have been repossessed They are unable to afford private rented accommodation and maintain a tenancy and we can help them get started again.
All government departments and agencies are constantly reviewing their expenditure due to funding restraints; Homecare Independent Living provides valuable and cost-effective alternatives to traditional spends by focusing on a flexible service approach which gives positive independent living outcomes for people. Our unique ‘one stop shop’ group of services helps to prevent long-term hospital stays as we can provide alternative appropriate supported accommodation, which generally costs less. The benefits to budgets are already well appreciated by the Health and Social Care Trusts and NIHE.
I always look at our work as an opportunity. There is a requirement for our services and by continuing to provide value for money, I expect that more referral agencies will move towards availing of Homecare’s services.
Independent living represents the whole ethos of our company and gives people a certain amount of dignity that they would not otherwise have. Making a real difference to the quality of people’s lives makes our work personally rewarding for front-line staff and management alike.
Homecare Independent Living
Callan House Hill Street,
Milford Co. Armagh BT60 3NZ
Tel: 028 3751 1333
Fax: 028 3752 7705