Housing 2012: what the future holds for housing
3rd July 2012Who’s who in housing
3rd July 2012Delivering housing solutions and improving people’s lives
Ark Housing is committed to building quality homes and strong communities by working in partnership with the voluntary, community and statutory sectors to alleviate housing need.
The association’s mission is to meet housing need, to develop strong communities, to deliver equality, diversity and social justice. The association is a small- to medium-sized registered social housing provider and in addition to providing general family needs, it also works with partners to provide housing and support for many vulnerable individuals, including homeless families, the elderly, and those with learning difficulties, mental health issues and physical disabilities.
We continue to contribute to the provision of new affordable social homes for those in housing need across Northern Ireland. With colleagues in the housing association movement, we have through the new build housing programme contributed £205 million to the local economy, £66 million of which was private finance. In addition, some £65 million has been invested in maintenance and stock improvements during 2011-2012, giving a further boost to employment within the construction sector. During the last year, we developed 41 new homes and over the next three years, we are planning to construct a further 214 homes which will help to alleviate housing need and help to boost the construction industry.
With government funding of £268 million for 2012-2015, available through DSD, housing associations will raise a further £160 million private finance to deliver 4,600 new homes in Northern Ireland.
Delivering quality housing services is at the heart of our mission and we are the only housing association in Northern Ireland to own and manage family homeless services. Tackling the severe social disadvantages experienced by those suffering homelessness is central to our business ethos and through our homeless services, we also continue to promote and support equality, diversity and good relations within our communities.
In our family centre we provide support services to many families experiencing homelessness, some who are new immigrants to Northern Ireland and who do not have English as a first language. Providing support across a range of needs including the provision of translation and advocacy services, we continue to help those who face the disadvantages of homelessness.
Leading by example
We remain committed to investing in our people and to becoming a leader within our sector. We were again recognised throughout the sector for our commitment to learning and development when we won, for the second year, the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Developing Skills and Capacity Award at the prestigious Northern Ireland Housing Awards in January 2012.
Ark Housing is also recognised as an exemplar organisation for workplace health and safety, having recently been awarded the International Safety Award for the fourth consecutive year. This year, the association gained the top achievement with the Distinction Award, the only housing association in Northern Ireland to achieve this accolade.
Tony Ruddy, Ark’s Chief Executive, commenting on its success, said: “It is not about winning awards but ensuring that no-one suffers illness or injury at work and we are determined to influence the cultural changes needed within the housing association sector to make this vision a reality. Workplace injury and ill-health is unacceptable and we all can and must do better.”
25 years of success
This year is very special for everyone associated with Ark Housing as we prepare to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Since 1987, Ark Housing has worked to deliver high quality housing and support services for our tenants and today is considered to be one of the most successful housing associations in Northern Ireland.
By continuing to invest in new build developments and our existing properties, strengthening links within our communities and delivering on our neighbourhood strategies, we aim to ensure that we remain at the forefront, continuing to influence and lead change as we face the challenges within the sector in the years ahead.
With the Government intent on reducing public expenditure and the budget deficit, the housing sector faces new and significant challenges in the years ahead. In addition to the economic situation, the welfare and housing benefit reforms, the planned restructuring of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the proposed new Housing Strategy and the implications for the social housing delivery model in Northern Ireland, there is a great deal of uncertainty within the housing association sector generally.
As accountability and regulation become ever more prominent and associations adjust to the increasing demands for greater transparency and continuous service improvement, new skills and ways of working will be required. The need to enhance and develop leadership and management skills will become increasingly important for associations which wish to be able to compete and remain fit for purpose in the future housing landscape which is emerging.
Ark Housing is determined to remain as a key housing provider and to deliver quality homes and strong communities. Using our learning and development programmes, we will ensure that the association remains ‘fit for purpose’ from the board room to shop floor. Through governance training, through the senior management team developing its strategic leadership learning and through our staff, by providing opportunities for up-skilling and knowledge development, we intend to influence the need for change in these uncertain times.
Ark Housing will remain committed to providing Quality Homes and Strong Communities.
Organisational profile | |
Stock numbers | 318 units |
Turnover | £1.64m |
Fixed assets | £22m |
Staffing | 26 |
Development | 214 units (2012-2015) |