Tenant Inspection in practice
3rd May 2013Welfare reform: lessons from Wakefield’s pilot
3rd May 2013Building homes, providing support and creating possibilities
Triangle is a registered Housing Association with the Department for Social Development. It provides nearly 600 units of accommodation, with a further 300 in the development programme over the next three years. The majority of these new units will be delivered as part of the Bamford Review’s recommendations to provide supported living arrangements for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues. Triangle also provides a range of ‘housing plus’ activities including a range of social enterprise based vocational training opportunities and employment based support. Its turnover will be nearly £10 million during the current financial year and it will employ over 300 people.
None of this work would be possible without its partnerships. It receives revenue support through the Supporting People Programme administered by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and from Health Trusts. Triangle increasingly draws upon private loan facilities to further its work. Triangle is also an active member within the Accord Procurement group with four other housing associations. It also works in partnership with other specialist support and care providers.
At the heart of what we do and why we do it are the tenants and service users of the organisation. Their involvement in the decision making processes within the organisation are facilitated though a range of groups and processes.
If you would like to know more about our work please visit our website or contact Chris Alexander, Chief Executive Officer, on 028 2766 6880.